Shortly after my last post (I know I know – way too long ago
– I AM much more consistent with much else in my life – swiffering, cleaning my
jewelry, rearranging my shoes – all of life’s important things), I got the best
surprise ever. I’m talking BEST surprise – like Oprah screaming “You get a car!
And you get a car! And YOU get a CAR!” And, if you’ve never seen that episode
of Oprah, well, I’m more than happy to let
you borrow my Oprah DVDs to let
you enjoy that magical moment for yourself.
Similar to that momentous Oprah show, this surprise ranks
right up there with someone telling you, oh I don’t know, you’re getting a
Chanel handbag for free. I’ve never heard of that happening – even on Oprah. Do
you get the level of pure ecstatic unspeakable JOY I’m talking about now? Like
so exciting you can’t even STAND it?! Good. Now I can tell you the secret
that’s not so secret anymore. This fashionista is having a baby! That’s right!
other things, of course.) To top it off, this mini adorable wildchild human
growing right now is a little BOY! A MiniMarshall, as I have taken to calling
him. Will he be a mini-husband?! Probably. The good news is, he’s going to
start his life off a lot better dressed.
So that is the best surprise ever that changed my life right
when we were ringing in my new favorite year known as 2013. Here are a few fun
tidbits of life with MiniMarshall thus far:
- As you may or may not know, the husband is an emotional (but darling) wreck who has cried maybe more than his hormone-raged wife these last 5 months. He normally pairs his tears with a drink of choice – his friend Jamieson has helped him out a few times, and not 1 but 2 martinis were needed when we learned Mini was a BOY!
- · Hormones are kind of the best thing ever, because they get you out of everything. Tired? Hormones. Hungry? Hormones. Just feel like yelling at the husband? Hormones for sure! Can’t seem to make it from the couch to the kitchen to get your 9th glass of fizzy water (which will never ever come close to replacing wine) and so you shed a tear or 2 to get “someone” to do it for you? Shoot, the hormones strike again!
- · I knew Mini was a boy. I am putting it in writing so maybe some day when his mother is rich and famous he will stumble across this lame blog and… I will feel validated that I was right! I knew it was a boy, so therefore I deserve a crown for already having that “motherly instinct” everyone keeps talking about. Crown aside (make sure it has diamonds and looks like Princess Kate’s), I really didn’t have the instinct, but I had this thing called an ultrasound. I’m not saying I SAW the boy parts. Any goofball could do that - I was the loser who couldn’t even see his feet. (Seriously, the kid has huge feet and I just pretended to see them until we left and I could figure it out myself. They were kicked back and resting – so obvious! What fetus wouldn’t be chilling out like that?) When we had an ultrasound early on, I knew this was a boy. Why? Because he was fist pumping! He had moves JUST like the husband’s. I don’t lie about Mini. He was in the womb, dancing around like a NUTCASE. And that’s when I knew.
- · I confirmed Mini was a boy several few weeks later, at the next ultrasound – again, I didn’t see the magical boy area, but this time, he was standing on his head the whole time. This further confirmed the craziness that is my future son. He was just the size of a bell paper, but he already had a much larger attitude. The poor ultrasound technician was just trying to do her job, confirming he had normal baby stuff, like arms and legs. Of course, my child (in this case, the husband’s Mini for sure), had to be on his head. The entire time. Laying on his left arm. Hiding it from us. Much to the tech’s dismay, we could not get o-stubborn-one to move around. This led me to believe for about 30 minutes that Mini did not have a left arm! This also led me to believe he was a boy, because no girl would be so uncooperative on a deadline. Finally, the tech finds the arm, hand, thumb and everything and she is so relieved (as am I – duh!). She proceeds with the appointment, and right when we are wrapping up, he starts WAVING his left hand around. I felt like he was saying, “Hey, freaks! Here’s my arm! Don’t know what you were looking for, bozos.”
- · Sure enough, an hour later, we were served a dessert covered in blueberries and my suspicions were confirmed… BOY. We were going to have a dancing, fistpumping, upside down, naughty, wild little boy! So, I gobbled down the dessert and like any good fashionista (oh and um parent) I went on a 3 day bender shopping spree.

To say the least, Broke-O for Coco
is getting broke-o from a whole new sector of shopping. Have you seen the
strollers out there these days?! And did you know Burberry has baby line? Just
Signing off,
Broke-O and… MiniMarshall