Last weekend I had the pleasure of travelling to Las Vegas for a dear friend's bachelorette party. Wait, by party, I mean, paaaaaaarTY! But, it's not true what they say; what happens in Vegas, does NOT stay in Vegas. Because I have to tell you - that place was fashion faux-pa central! I interpreted the general rule there as "less is more," and when people were actually dressed, that was just as scary of a sight! However, our little bachelorette party was definitely more creative... The one thing all 8 of us agreed on throughout the weekend was our obsession with SEQUINS.
In couture fashion, sequins are referred to by their prettier, fancier, french name: "paillettes." But, in Vegas, they're just plain old sequins, and we wanted lots of them. The first night out, our very own bachelorette donned a brown sequin tank dress by Free People (this sassy little number also comes in a dark purple and champagne-ish gold. However, as I am seeing it online, I am noticing it is sold as a shirt and not a dress...that's what I thought! Oh well, the insane little bridezilla just gave it a whole new look, and a very Vegas-y one too! I have seen this shirt/tank/dress/whatever you want it to be worn as a top though, with boyfriend jeans - which you should have by now! - and gold flats, and it was quite cute. So there you go). Not to mention, the lovely bride-to-be accessorized her ensemble with the ever-important blingy bachelorette tiara and a pink sash just in case anyone beyond the vacinity failed to hear the squeals, laughs and constant shouts of "She's getting MARRIED!"
The next night, I threw on an oldie-but-goodie from Urban Outfitters in the form of an all-over short sleeved silver sequined little number. What a tongue-twister. (If you are ever desperate for sequins, Urban is a great place to check, especially online.) And, thinking of my newly-learned "less-is-more" Vegas philosophy, I belted it with a wide black belt to take it up just a notch. (Don't worry - only a little!) Speaking of, a wide black belt is absolutely an essential, and I love this one. For the mere price of $68, I think this totally looks Givenchy or Balenciaga inspired, and in a good way! I am also needing a skinny black belt, and I think this one is a great deal and super chic.
Long story (and even longer weekend!) short - every girl needs a little sparkle in her life. Whether you are living it up in Vegas, going out and about in our own town, or just need a pick-me-up one day, I tell you, sequins = success.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Fashion format?
Hello my faithful following fashionistas! I am playing with my blog to try and make it a little more aesthetically pleasing... I'm not going to lie - it is rather difficult to make a blank web page look "fashion forward," but I'm doing my best here... and I would love any feedback and/or suggestions! Please let me know what you think, and watch for a new post about my weekend in LAS VEGAS soon!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Coco comes home
It was a happy day in my household yesterday. Not only did my precious Coco (you remember my GLORIOUS! Chanel grand shopping tote) come home from repair-land looking better than ever (she had a minor owie that had to be corrected), a little friend came along with her in the form of a BLACK ESSENTIAL TWEED 2-POCKET CARDIGAN JACKET. Read it and weep, fashionistas. Your favorite blogger is the new owner of a classic, oh-so-Coco jacket!
In fact, I can totally picture Coco Chanel herself in something similar. The cardigan jacket was her first jacket design, and they style still exists today. Karl Lagerfeld loves the design so much that last year a GIGANTIC one sat in the center of the runway for the Spring/Summer 2008 Haute Couture Show. (Mine looks like that, basically, but is black and has only 2 pockets. It is microscopic compared to that monstrous one, but I’m giving you the general idea here. Its massive presence on the runway is symbolic of how owning one is such a big deal in my life!) The darling little thing has many followers – from 20-somethings like myself to grandmas! I kid you not – a woman in her sixties – at least – was trying this on the other day. Which is fine with me, because I admittedly have a soft spot for grandma clothes. I just love old-ladyish pieces! I like to think it’s because they are more classic, but I think it’s just been inherited. My grandma constantly took me shopping as a baby, strolling me around all the shops, letting the shopping gene seeeeeeeeep into my little tiny baby brain. She says I was incredibly well-behaved while at the mall – even as an infant! I think this says a lot. It’s like I was TRAINED from birth to be a shopaholic…. So I can’t really feel bad about it. It’s genetics.
Just like my bag, I will own this jacket for a lifetime. Like I tell the anti-shopaholic-husband, it’s an INVESTMENT. He asked me what the return on my so-called investment would be. Well… first I had to figure out what exactly that question meant. Why does it always seem like he is speaking Spanish to me? Apparently, he meant “How will this make you money in the future?” Oh, ok – that’s easy. I use it my whole life, then I hand it down to my future fashionista daughter (if she’s a tomboy I’ll die, but give her the bag anyways), then she passes it down, and so on and so forth. So, it’s like this – I’m not TECHNICALLY making money in the future, but I’m SAVING money, now and then… because since I have the fabulous bag now, I will be able to share the wealth with my offspring. Duh! And it will be the same with the jacket. Did you know almost all Chanel jackets can be let in or let out up or down 2 whole sizes? It’s amazing, and such a couture feature. So, my new favorite jacket could be made to fit the tomboy daughter, basically whatever size she is, or whoever! See, it is an “investment,” just a very fashionable one.....
Monday, June 15, 2009
Life's too short to hate happy hours

We had been married for a very short time when one night, the husband said something like this to his fun-loving fashionista wife: "You need to learn that fun doesn't only take place Monday through Friday from 4 to 6pm at a bar or restaurant!" "Well!" I thought, "He simply hasn't come to understand the joy of happy hour. Little does he know that fun really can happen from 4 to 6pm, and it is very affordable fun at that!"
Fear not, my fellow happy goers. He has since learned that happy hour is not only FUN, but it is an art. You must scout where to go and when, what to get and why, and duh - as always, we must be dressed to impress! I am proud to report that tonight, at my new favorite happy hour hot spot (which I reveal later), HE was the one who kept ordering the delicious half-priced snacks! More importantly, HE came home from work and decided he must change his outfit and VOLUNTARILY put on a collared shirt! I declare, there is a God!
Now that I have been living on Eastlake for awhile, I have finally taken the time to tap into the neighborhood's multiple happy hour opportunities. Sale season has slowed me down a little, but the sunny weather and my favorite summer dresses have pushed me right back into action! There is nothing like slipping on a darling little dress, your new flat gold gladiator sandals (more about those later too), some fabulous sunglasses, and lounging on a deck or patio while enjoying some cheap vino and basking in the sun. Honestly, it's the best feeling ever. If you haven't implemented this into your summer-loving lifestyle, I suggest you treat yourself to such a luxury (well, more like a steal-of-a-deal luxury) once a week or so. It is absolutely worth it.
Yet, you'll feel even better if you have on a little ensemble like I just mentioned. I found some AMAZING gold gladiators at H and M for $17.95! (I can't include a picture because their website is super confusing and doesn't really have product, but trust me, they are super cute and So comfortable.) Comfort is key for happy hour, because what if the hubby gets REALLY fun and decides he can handle TWO happy hours?!?! Whoa there! Ok, so get yourself some gladiators. (Speaking of - funny store about gladiators.... While I was in Italy a few years ago, my infamous mother - the same woman who told me there was a bridge to Alaska - visited the Collosseum in Rome. We took a professional tour, during which the tour guide spoke about the role of gladiators who fought there way back when. Halfway through, my mother leans over and whispers: "Why does she keep calling the dinosaurs gladiators? And why were the dinosaurs wearing helmets?" Yes, the 3rd grade teacher thought the HUMAN gladiators were DINOSAURS. This is where I come from!!)
Then, you need some shades. Whether you go high (like my Chanels) or low (BP at Nordstrom has every style imaginable for $10 each!), just pick up something fun and that looks good on your face. While bigger is better, don't look like a bug! When in doubt, I think every girl needs a pair of aviators, and you can check out a ton here.
Finally, we have discussed this before, but the maxi can totally handle some happy hours - she can be dressed down with the gladiators, or for some fancier times, do her up with heels and more accessories. I just bought this one, and it's AWESOME on. Plus, it's silk, so it will wear well and... wait for it... be totally IN and look great next summer too. If you haven't quite latched on to my maxi obsession yet (I'll keep pushing it, because I know eventually you will get the hint), a short summer dress would be perfect too. I have been loving the idea of white dresses with gold shoes (the famous gladiators) and accessories (pick up gold from your earrings, sunglasses, etc.) A white linen or cotton dress is like a blank canvas, and not only ideal for happy hour, but of course for other occasions as well. (All of these are avialable in white.)
So, moral of the story: pick up these summer staples, and get yourself to a happy hour, STAT! Because, it's like that phrase - life's too short; eat dessert first. That's essentially what I told the happy-hour-hating-husband - honey, life's too short to hate happy hours.
In case you're on the hunt for the happiest of happy hours, here are a few of my favorites to get you started:
*Daniel's Broiler (Lake Union location)
*Bluwater Bistro (I prefer the Lake Union location)
*I Love Sushi (Lake Union location again)
*Red Fin
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Clean Freak

I just need to talk really quickly about how much I love Anthropologie (the store, not the science – duh.)Amidst a busy day at work, I stopped in there on my lunch break, and found instant satisfaction in spending a ridiculous amount of money on post-it notes and pretty notebooks. Oh, and I found some fabulous file folders as well. I know, I know – you could buy things that serve the same purpose at Office Depot or wherever for 50 cents – but, I ask, would they make you feel as good? NO! Even if you are doing something ultra-lame like writing a grocery list, how much better does that feel when you are writing with your favorite pen and on a gorgeous, decorative piece of paper? Ten times better, at least. And then, as you waltz through Safeway with that list, you are still feeling good, admiring your lovely stationary and all the good karma that comes with it.
Now, speaking of lists, I admit that I have become a bit freakish with the organization/cleanliness part of my life. I attribute this clean-freak-syndrome to living with the Dorito King – aka husband. First of all, I HATE Doritos. Second of all, I apparently cannot say the word. Just because I pronounce it how it looks: Door –eee – toes, I take a wide array of criticism. Supposedly, according to their number one consumer, my genius hubby, you say it like this: Der –ee – toes? I don’t know. One vowel makes a big difference I guess. Anyways, I also hate those dang chips because I believe no food should be that color! And what is with the stench? It lingers. Why did I marry someone who those Doritos so? I kick myself for that all the time, especially when I awake after my precious beauty sleep to find Mr. Dorito King’s ORANGE CRUMBS all over my couch (yes, the cream couch that only recently recovered from its wine tragedy). This is when I FREAK OUT, and start vacuuming before 8am. Not a good thing in a new marriage. Or a good thing for the new neighbors. Oh well!
However, living with the man who constantly leaves a trail of crumbs on the counter, caked dirt from his construction shoes on my hardwood floors, or dirty dishes from his quesadillas (his other favorite food) in the sink, has taught me many things… well, most likely just one thing: cleaning helps de-stress me from the monster of mess, but only when I have the right supplies (as in, don’t expect me to use plain old soap and water – boring!) and set up (as in, I clean if I want, when I want, and you should establish the same schedule for yourself). Here are a few tips to get you started:
First, you must get organized. Make a list with those cute post-its I was talking about.
Then, you have to be in the proper I’m-cleaning-and-I-look-good-doing it outfit (back to Anthrolopogie, I think their aprons are darling. There are lots to choose from, but my favorite is the yellow one a the top of the blog.)
Finally, to be most successful, you need to have the right supplies. (I love Method because you can buy it almost everywhere and the French Lavender scent smells delicious!)
Happy spring (well it's almost summer, so hurry up!) cleaning, my fashionista friends!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Pool Party
I recently attended an impromptu pool party, which featured a water slide (so scary - see right), a hot tub (not scary, heavenly), a little cheerleading clinic (more about that later), fabulous food, friends and family, and of course, swimsuits (can be scary). We can love ‘em or loathe ‘em, but year after year , the bikinis are back. And, unless you plan on being a little vampire all summer, you must face the facts and buy the bathing suit that’s best for you.
Now, not only must you consider your body type, but also your activity level. For someone like my mother, who went down a water slide for the first time in a decade, you need something supportive yet fashionable at the same time. What did she learn from her trip (her very, very nervous trip, which was more of a push) down the slide? Two important fashionista facts:
1. Water slides can and will wreck your hair (for both that day and the following – it is a tough recovery, let me tell you. I saw the woman in person the next morning – her hair looked half like a pancake, half like it was electrocuted! This is very “her” though… we called my mother Cruella Deville for years…Our other pet name for her is Lucy, after Lucille Ball. The water slide experience in and of itself was quite a Lucy moment. I have not a finer memory of this summer so far than watching my mother careen down a light blue slide, screeching at the top of her lungs, and splashing into the water, where the Hostess with the Mostess, Mary, waited for her. The best part of all was watching concerned Mary, ready and waiting with a kickboard to uphold my floundering mother, calling out “Pop up! Pop up!” thinking that Lucy had drowned in the 8 ft. pool. No, she didn’t drown (she can barely swim, so she very well could have; you should have seen my brother forcing her to blow bubbles when he tried to teach her to swim a few summers back. To say the least, he eventually just gave up). The reason she almost never “popped up” was just her adoring son-in-law, pulling her gangly legs downward, causing Mary to keep yelling “Come on! Pop up! You can do it!” This is my family – we have Cruella/Lucy running the thing, and I won’t even get into my dad, who was doing cannon balls all night...)
2. Back to the lesson at hand - If you have bottoms on that are even a TAD to small (the mother again), or a top on that is even a TAD too big (that was my bad), that swimwear WILL malfunction and slide right up or right down! Nothing that a gifted swimmer can’t react to (that would be…neither of us), but all should be prepared.
So, for the insane-but-charming water-slide-rider mom, I suggest a well-fit tankini, like this one. (I adore the coral color, the classic bottom, and the sweetheart cut on top!)
If you are an active high school girl like my future-cheerleader friend, same idea… swimwear that has function and fashion. This girl and her pals were leaping off walls and ledges, flipping forward and backward, and busting out all kinds of frightening moves that scared me just watching. For those cuties, a bikini is still an option, but I would select a halter top (not triangles that can slide around on you!) and a full coverage bottom, like this one. I love the details on this top in the material, and I think the width of the sides on the bottom are just right.
If you are me, and prefer to participate in no type of water sports/activities whatsoever, your options are endless! No, not really. Why? Because you never know when evil husband will throw you in the pool, or when you too will be forced down the sky-high water slide. So, you must come prepared in a suit ideal for tanning (my main priority from now through the end of September), but also something that can withstand the torture from people who actually LIKE water. (Weird, I know.) I especially like tops with options for straps, like this one (remove the straps for no-tan lines, and fasten those darling pink things on for some security later!)
Finally, don’t forget a cute cover up. (I normally don't love Juicy, but I DO love this long cover up. You know I have been into Maxi dresses lately! And I am obsessed with navy blue, so this has a lot going for it.) For a shorter option, this is a great style for all body types, and it has an especially fun print.
Goal before next pool party: get Cruella a decent suit, and come prepared with a strategy to avoid that scary slide!
cover up,
pool party,
water slides
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