I just need to talk really quickly about how much I love Anthropologie (the store, not the science – duh.)Amidst a busy day at work, I stopped in there on my lunch break, and found instant satisfaction in spending a ridiculous amount of money on post-it notes and pretty notebooks. Oh, and I found some fabulous file folders as well. I know, I know – you could buy things that serve the same purpose at Office Depot or wherever for 50 cents – but, I ask, would they make you feel as good? NO! Even if you are doing something ultra-lame like writing a grocery list, how much better does that feel when you are writing with your favorite pen and on a gorgeous, decorative piece of paper? Ten times better, at least. And then, as you waltz through Safeway with that list, you are still feeling good, admiring your lovely stationary and all the good karma that comes with it.
Now, speaking of lists, I admit that I have become a bit freakish with the organization/cleanliness part of my life. I attribute this clean-freak-syndrome to living with the Dorito King – aka husband. First of all, I HATE Doritos. Second of all, I apparently cannot say the word. Just because I pronounce it how it looks: Door –eee – toes, I take a wide array of criticism. Supposedly, according to their number one consumer, my genius hubby, you say it like this: Der –ee – toes? I don’t know. One vowel makes a big difference I guess. Anyways, I also hate those dang chips because I believe no food should be that color! And what is with the stench? It lingers. Why did I marry someone who those Doritos so? I kick myself for that all the time, especially when I awake after my precious beauty sleep to find Mr. Dorito King’s ORANGE CRUMBS all over my couch (yes, the cream couch that only recently recovered from its wine tragedy). This is when I FREAK OUT, and start vacuuming before 8am. Not a good thing in a new marriage. Or a good thing for the new neighbors. Oh well!
However, living with the man who constantly leaves a trail of crumbs on the counter, caked dirt from his construction shoes on my hardwood floors, or dirty dishes from his quesadillas (his other favorite food) in the sink, has taught me many things… well, most likely just one thing: cleaning helps de-stress me from the monster of mess, but only when I have the right supplies (as in, don’t expect me to use plain old soap and water – boring!) and set up (as in, I clean if I want, when I want, and you should establish the same schedule for yourself). Here are a few tips to get you started:
First, you must get organized. Make a list with those cute post-its I was talking about.
Then, you have to be in the proper I’m-cleaning-and-I-look-good-doing it outfit (back to Anthrolopogie, I think their aprons are darling. There are lots to choose from, but my favorite is the yellow one a the top of the blog.)
Finally, to be most successful, you need to have the right supplies. (I love Method because you can buy it almost everywhere and the French Lavender scent smells delicious!)
Happy spring (well it's almost summer, so hurry up!) cleaning, my fashionista friends!
Haha Love it Erin !