Sunday, September 8, 2013

It's almost time for baby! (and fall fashion, too!)

The last time I wrote, the fashionista in me rejoiced as I realized one more department in Nordstrom would now be MINE to shop… a whole other area to learn and conquer was at my fingertips, as shopping for a baby BOY commenced. What a shopping spree it has been! (Some of my favies are stacked up on the left - who can resist chevron and sweaters?!) Now, we are days away from meeting this little guy, and I am proud to report his sweet mint-colored dresser has drawers filled to the top; his closet has multiple rods featuring tiny hangers that are nearly as cute as the clothes; and finally, his shoe collection rivals… well of course not mine, but maybe the husband’s (I can't wait until he fits into these!).

Speaking of the husband, he has been a real champ these last 39 weeks; though I have undoubtedly tortured him with my “hound dog” sense of smell (isn’t that an affectionate term he dubbed months ago?) and the Antarctic environment I have insisted on keeping in every joint environment (the car, house etc all must be kept at sub-zero temperatures, which leads him to freeze while I sweat), he has taken it in stride – volunteering to eat his smelly burritos on another floor of the house, tolerating goosebumps, and more.  He even custom-built a crib for the baby, and it only took him a few weeks to do it! (That’s my positive spin on “You have known this baby was coming for 8 months and you waited until the very last minute to build his crib.” And that sentence is the positive spin on the relentless nagging I did all summer that featured 4-letter words. Oh, the joys of marriage. Enough said.)

So, as you can see, the dad to be has been preparing too. So much so, he took himself to the mall a couple of weeks ago and had a little shopping spree of his own. I didn’t even know he knew where the mall WAS, since his entire wardrobe has been hand delivered to him for the last 5 plus years by the gifted personal shopper he is lucky to call his wife. But, miracles do happen, and off he went, to a MALL on a WEEKEND! (This was obviously before football season started.) And what does he come home with? His own “delivery outfit.” He tells me he needed a hospital wardrobe too…. Convenient that mine will feature a used robe with a hideous print, and he will be rocking brand new Nike Frees and Under Armour pants (running pants no less - ironic for him) – which he made sure to tell me are “sterile.” He also picked up a few new t shirts and a striped sweater/sweatshirt type number (probably because he will be cold).  Spoiler alert – you may see the t-shirt featured in a future post or photo featuring a little special surprise he added on…

Don’t fret though, fashionistas – I did extensive research on the all-important post-natal wardrobe, and picked up a few things for yours truly as well.  Actually, I dedicated a whole day to this project, and am pretty pleased with the results; I’ll let you know how it turns out! I must admit, especially after a long, hot summer, I’m looking forward to my mostly-black, Mary-Kate Olsen-esque loose look – convenient that we are descending into fall, which you know equals yummy chunky sweaters (this one is awesome and on sale now!) and leggings as well. I have to thank the babe for timing his arrival during such prime season for hiding the unwanted “extra love” that may be lingering.  I can tell this kid is already going to be a charmer! He knows what women want! (Speaking of - here is the link to the all black baby bag we will be wearing with our cute fall wardrobe and boots.)

So besides our 2 apparently perfect wardrobes, I read we should also bring some snacks to the hospital – not really sure why, but I do what the cute pregnant girl blogs say.  Thinking that would be a good job for the husband, he went off to the store about 9pm one night and came home with some milky ways for himself. First of all, I have tried explaining that milky ways are indeed the grossest chocolate candy there is. Who likes them? Second, he will be washing them down with those little 5 hour energy drinks he calls “5 hour booyas.” Whatever – he did pick up the luna bars and trail mix I requested.  I also texted him saying I wanted some chicken – to eat that evening. Not fried. Not fast food. But just some form of cooked chicken.  This was odd, as I am not a huge meat eater, but this pregnancy has made me a little more carnivorous. I have developed a disgusting addiction to French fries, but never requested a protein. Lucky for both of us Safeway still had warm roast chickens! I didn’t really want a WHOLE roast chicken, but the husband does not come home empty handed!

All in all, we will be waltzing into the hospital any day now looking like we are going on a week’s vacation. Between our mini cooler (featuring scented washcloths and individual champagnes), tote bag of food, and each of our own “overnight” bags (we all know I packed for more than 1 night!), this will be quite the sight. Wish us luck!

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