If you're looking for me this summer, there are 3 potential parties I have been at nearly every weekend since March - a shower, a bachelorette, or most often, a wedding. Between the husband and I, we have gotten our groove on at 7 bachelor/bachelorette parties, made paper plate bouquets at 5 bridal showers (that would be me- he is a mess when it comes to ribbons and bows, but he is surprisingly gifted at flower arrangements!), practiced our (very important) parts at 2 rehearsal dinners, and dressed to impress at 11 weddings. And you know what that means - 11 different dresses! I would never, ever repeat. This also means 11 different shirt/tie combinations for the husband, all of which must coordinate with my dress (obviously). All in all, being a wedding invitee has been my part time job this season, and my other part time job has been wardrobing the two of us! Luckily my real full time job is still around to fund all of the above.
Fashionistas, we must get creative! I made different combinations out of some oldies but goodies for showers and bachelorettes. I picked up accessories (like a gold clutch from H and M) that I literally used at every wedding. I used old(er) shoes that I knew I could dance the night away in. Ok, and I also bought some new shoes! (I always be grateful to Jenna for "making" me buy gold shoes for her wedding- best bride request ever!)
Last - this is where I reveal my true OCD - I planned. I made a little list at the beginning of the season with what dress matched up with what wedding. There was major coordination (and onset insanity) at this point, but my system worked and that's all that mattered!
Here a few recent dos and donts I acquired during my endless summer:
- do not ever, ever drive to a wedding alone. What did people DO before cell phones? Better question- what do people DO when cell phones have no service in foreign (and by foreign, I mean Hood Canal) locations? Three forms of directions later, fellow wedding guests found me in the side of the road, lost and in tears! Google maps and I are no longer friends.
- do learn how to curl hair. Do always bring a curling iron and straightener. Do realize that if you have a pixie cut, you are automatically the official hair-curler for every other head in the bridal party. During my dear friend's torrential downpour wedding, I recurled 6 heads probably 6 times. Note: rain wilts curls! But it will be OK if you bring a little pixie along to save the day.
- Bonus points- learn to do an up do! I took my friend's Rapunzel- length strawberry blonde hair and transformed it from a knotted hairspray nest to a loose, elegant updo - all in less than 15 minutes! I probably should have charged her but was feeling generous that day, you know, with the love in the air and all.
- do make sure the bride and groom have (proper) champagne. There is nothing worse than making a gorgeous bride drink Cooks on the best day of her life.
- dont forget to count your drinks! One per hour is plenty! I don't think I need to go any further on this one. Or I just don't want to. ;)
- (please) do iron your significant other's ensemble. I have seen way too many wrinkled boys this summer to count. Boys - if you don't have significant other, invest in an iron!
- do follow proper wedding etiquette- RSVPs and gifts are not optional. And that's that.
Until next summer, that is...
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