Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Baby on Board. Literally.

Hello! We are back! Broke-O and baby took a vaca! We went ALL the way across the country… a little math equation I call 4 flights, 4 days, 4 generations! It was pretty amazing to introduce Gavin to my 95-year-old grandfather, who instantly nicknamed him “the little fighter.” Who still gives out nicknames at 95, much less original ones? My grandpa. You can learn a lot from a guy who enjoyed a martini a day for most of his lifetime.

Though I had to skip the martinis, the trip was still an educational opportunity for Broke-O the mommy. This was baby’s first plane ride, and we figured we would start with a bang! No need to test the waters with a short flight to California or something. No, we just took a quick jaunt to the east coast. Me, Gavin, and the heavier-than-hell Marc by Marc Jacobs diaper bag. I love that thing, but I nearly ripped the strap off by making it so heavy. Though I sought tips from my really smart mom friends and the fairly smart baby books/sites, I still had to learn a few things the hard way. Which is fine, because I’m going to do this again in a few weeks, and then I can act like the pro and boss the husband around. Here are a few pieces of advice (if you want them – I realize I’m speaking from minimal experience, so take it or leave it) on travelling with a cute little peanut:

see: time to pick up that kindle!
-probably don’t need to bring your back issues of Vogue. And Real Simple. If you haven’t had time to read them at home, you probably won’t have time on the plane with your new little friend. Because my travel companion WAS actually so well-behaved though, I did have time to read. Thus, I recommend the Kindle. Which is a lovely little invention that I left at home. Because I’m a bozo. The plane + baby definitely requires a one-handed apparatus. Have you ever tried to read a magazine with one hand? I know I have small hands, but it is pretty much impossible.

-also, you don’t need your super warm and cozy scarf. You may be used to travelling with scarves and I understand why; they make great pillows and I always believed help keep the nasty plane germs away from my face. I made a point to wear a scarf on the plane no matter what time of year I travelled. Not anymore, fashionistas! First, lugging around your travel buddy-baby AND that bag loaded with (what seemed like) rocks weighs easily… too much for me. So, you are basically a packhorse and then you have on this WOOL-CASHMERE scarf: no. Don’t do it. Then, remember you are carrying the baby who loves to smother himself in a front pack situation. His face plus drool plus your cashmere: no again.

-While you’re at it, just wear as few clothes as possible.  It. Is. So. Hot. On. Planes. Maybe you used to think they were cold. Again, not anymore. Lugging that baby around is a WORK.OUT. And then you confine yourself to the bite-size seat and squish your overflowing bag underneath the seat in front of you – economy plus is a joke for a mommy and baby! We needed economy plus plus. Or multiplied or something.

-when planning your plane wardrobe, whether with baby or not, I (along with everyone sensible) recommend you dress in layers. I hate travelling with a coat, but in winter it must be done. The rest of the year, I usually do a cami, short sleeve t shirt, grandpa cardigan, and boyfriend jeans or leggings. (I really like this sweater too; Leith has some great pieces right now.)

-definitely bring another adult! My bestie and mom was a fabulous and fashionable partner. (We made sure to have a little “episode” as she called it at Nordstrom a few weeks before.) Though most people are very friendly and accommodating with you and your babe, there are just a lot of moving parts. TSA is intense for a normal, competent person; do they have to SHOUT at you about the bag of liquids? It’s so stressful. And then you add in that angry lady in front who needs no less than 6 bins and has the audacity to give ME a dirty look when I leave my (adorable) monogramed necklace on! It was an honest mistake! Bin thief.

Travel safe and smart, fashionistas! Stay warm and watch for a post on winter-wear (especially COATS) coming soon!

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