Thursday, November 7, 2013

Help a sister out

Hello, Fashionistas! I write you with a request. As many of you know, I am currently enjoying this strange, surreal vacation known as maternity leave. It is the first time I haven't worked since... well, before I started my babysitting empire at age 12. (Those were the days of a paper agenda and a home phone line and let me tell you - I booked New Years Eve a whole year in advance!) I guess that is where my over-achiever issues began... You could say I'm a bit of a busy bee, so blogging has been a good form of "work" for me during this time off. Of course, I couldn't just blog, but I had to set goals for myself too. I know - I have problems. 

Anyways, I wanted to share with you that one of my goals was to really get the blog up and running - like consistently. I love to write and to be honest, I feel like life just provides me with stories to be told! I want to keep sharing them with all of you, and hopefully doing so will also share some advice, fashionable information, mommyhood chaos, or at the very least, laughter. 

This is where you come in. I would love love love if you could "subscribe" to Broke-O by entering your email address in the top left corner. Then, without ever lifting another delicate, manicured finger, new blog entries will magically appear in your email inbox! It's like the fairyblogmother/stork will just drop a little present in there about once a week. How delightful! Next, I would also love love love if occasionally, if you feel so inclined, you could leave a comment on here. You know, say what you think, what you like, what you hate, whatever. If we are not already, it would be fun to be your friend on FB or Instagram too. You have probably figured out that I am trying to develop what the genius internet gurus call a "following," and I want to know you're a part of it! Seriously though, I appreciate each of you who take the time to read this. So much. And so, I want to work on taking it up a notch.

THANK YOU and much love.

PS If you think this sounds too hard, just take a look at Gav. Be glad you're not wearing a girl sweater from yesteryear. See, things could be worse. 

PPS If that hilarious face is not incentive enough, everyone who email subscribes will be entered to win a gift card to one of my favorite places... I will "draw" for a winner next week! It could be you!


  1. Woo! First comment. Okay, I think this is a fabulous idea, and I fully support your consistent blogging endeavor. Have you considered adding google friend connect through blogger? It has helped me connect with friends and bloggers who don't want hundreds of blog posts piling up in their inboxes :) Also, Gav's adorable and I can't wait to see him at Christmas time!

  2. I love reading your posts! They always make me laugh!

  3. Look at that poor kid! You can't dress him up like that, it will mess with him. You definitely need to pursue this, I read for the laughs and the jabs at "the husband'.

  4. Thanks, guys! I appreciate it!
    Sarah, I love that idea- thank you for the tip! Your blog is awesome :)
